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Watch recorded seminars

Ventilation and sleep quality

With Pawel Wargocki, Technical University of Denmark
Date: 15 February 2023

Ljusexponering för äldre - deras sömn, hälsa och funktionsförmåga

Med Arne Lowden, docent vid Stockholms universitet, Stressforskningsinstitutet.
Datum: 25 augusti 2022

Environmental stressors and sleep

With Michael Smith, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia, USA.
Date: February 17 2021

Luftburna virus i inomhusluft och hur man kan förhindra spridning

Med Malin Alsved vid Ergonomi och Aerosolteknologi, LTH.
Datum: 9 december 2020

SWESIAQ:s höstmöte hos CHIE

Date: 6 October 2020

What is a healthy building in 2020? - Pawel Wargocki, Technical University of Denmark

Hälsoskadlig värme i skandinaviska urbana inomhusmiljöer – Förekomst, identifiering och åtgärder, Karin Lundgren-Kownacki, SMHI

Hur påverkar luftföroreningar hjärnans hälsa? - Anna Oudin, Umeå och Lunds universitet

Människan – en viktig komponent i ventilationssystemet, Eja Pedersen och Birgitta Nordquist, Lunds tekniska högskola

Mögel, emissioner och hälsa - Lennart Larsson, Lunds universitet

Finnish certification system for experts assessing indoor air problems - Marita Mäkinen, Qualification of Professionals in Building, HVAC and Real Estate Sector in Finland

Ozon som luktborttagare? - Anders Lundin, SWESIAQ

Hälsa och inomhusmiljö - öppet seminarium i samarbete mellan PEIRE OCH CHIE

Date: 6 november 2018

Part 1

Part 2

Particles, ventilation and health - CHIE and EUROVENT workshop

What we know and what we should know about ventilation?
Pawel Wargocki, Technical University of Denmark

Date: May 17, 2018

Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments (CHIE,  ) at Lund University in Sweden and EUROVENT ( ) arranged a workshop “Particles, ventilation and health”. An invited speaker Pawel Wargocki from the Technical University of Denmark, presented current evidence regarding the relationship between ventilation, health, comfort and cognitive performance. Presentation discussed its pros and cons and future challenges for developing ventilation standards in built environment. 

Particles and health – overview of human chamber exposure studies at Lund University.
Aneta Wierzbicka, Lund University

Date: May 17, 2018

Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments (CHIE, ) at Lund University in Sweden and EUROVENT (  ) arranged a workshop “Particles, ventilation and health”. Aneta Wierzbicka from Lund University, presented an overview of the human chamber exposure studies carried out by Aerosol Group at LU studying link between exposure to particles and health effect.

Neurological effects of air pollution.
Anna Oudin, Lund University

Date: May 17, 2018

Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments (CHIE, ) at Lund University in Sweden and EUROVENT ( ) arranged a workshop “Particles, ventilation and health”. An invited speaker Anna Oudin from Lund University, presented current research regarding exposure to particles and neuropsychological effects, cognitive decline and dementia.

People – environment interactions in dwellings – how we can understand occupants’ reactions and behaviours as part of the ventilation system.
Eja Pedersen, Lund University

Date: May 17, 2018

Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments (CHIE, ) at Lund University in Sweden and EUROVENT ( ) arranged a workshop “Particles, ventilation and health”. An invited speaker Eja Pedersen from Lund University, presented findings from ongoing PEIRE-project, where the quality of the indoor environment is measured in dwellings alongside with assessments of occupants’ behaviour. Though the behaviour does not always seem rational, it can be understood in the light of concepts from both behavioural and technological sciences.

Healthy Indoor Environments Workshop & SWESIAQ

Människor i den byggda miljön, inomhusluftkemi och ventilationsstrategier.
Sarka Langer, IVL

Date March 21, 2018

Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments (CHIE, ) vid Lunds universitet och SWESIAQ ( ) arrangerade en workshop - SWESIAQ:s vårmöte den 21 mars 2018. Sarka Langer, forskare i luftkvalitet och luftkemi i inomhusmiljöer vid IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, talar om reaktiv ozonkemi i innemiljön. Vilken betydelse för luftkvalitet har människor själva, vad händer när ozon träder in i bilden och hur olika ventilationsstrategier påverkar halter av uppkomna reaktionsprodukter.

Innemiljöproblem och viktiga åtgärder ur ett allergiperspektiv.
Marie-Louise Luther, Astma och Allergiförbundet.

Date: March 21, 2018

Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments (CHIE, ) vid Lunds universitet och SWESIAQ ( ) arrangerade en workshop - SWESIAQ:s vårmöte den 21 mars 2018. Marie-Louise Luther, ombudsman inomhusmiljö Astma- och Allergiförbundet, talar om problem i inomhusmiljön för personer med allergi/överkänslighet och vilka åtgärder som behövs.

Luftburen smittspridning i inomhusmiljö.
Jakob Löndahl, Lunds universitet

Date: March 21, 2018

Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments (CHIE, ) vid Lunds universitet och SWESIAQ ( ) arrangerade en workshop - SWESIAQ:s vårmöte den 21 mars 2018. Jakob Löndahl, forskare i aerosolteknologi vid institutionen för Designvetenskaper, LU talar om luften full av mikroorganismer som påverkar vår hälsa. Hur sprider de sig? Hur kan vi mäta dem? Och vad kan vi göra för att minska överföring av luftburen smitta?

Seminar by Charles Weschler
Dermal uptake directly from air for phthalates and other common chemicals 

Date: September 14, 2017

Numerous studies over the past five years have indicated that indoor exposures are responsible for a significant fraction of the plasticizers, flame retardants, surfactants and other additives found in our bodies. Models based on fundamental physical chemistry indicate that some of these compounds are dermally absorbed from air or clothing at rates comparable to or larger than inhalation intake. Yet, with a few exceptions, this pathway has not been largely overlooked when performing exposure assessments. This talk will describe recent studies with human volunteers that confirm the importance of the dermal pathway for a number of common indoor pollutants.

Watch the recorded seminar below.

Seminar by Charles Weschler
Chemistry in indoor air and the role of human occupants

Date: September 13, 2017

Although the same laws of chemistry apply in all environments, the reactions that dominate indoors differ from those that dominate outdoors. The factors impacting this difference include less direct sunlight, no rain, smaller diurnal temperature fluctuations, larger surface-to-volume ratios, and higher concentrations of most organic compounds. Using old and new examples, this talk will review chemical transformations known to occur in indoor air and on indoor surfaces, and the implications of this chemistry for human occupants. 

Watch the recorded seminar below.

Seminar with Aneta Wierzbicka and Eja Pedersen
New ideas and new technology for better indoor environments

Date: January 5, 2017

We spend 90 % of our time indoors and therefore the environment greatly affects our productivity, creativity and health. How can new ideas and technology work together to improve our lives? In this breakfast seminar, Aneta Wierzbicka, Associate Professor at Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, Design Sciences LTH and Eja Pedersen, Professor of Environmental Psychology, tells us how technical, medical and behavioral perspectives can work together for an energy-efficient environment without sacrificing productivity and comfort.

Watch the recorded seminar below. 

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