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Past Events

Daylightful indoors – what we see and what we perceive

CHIE Seminarium

Speaker: Prof. Marilyne Andersen from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland

Date: April 27th, 2023 at 11:30 - 12:30

Place: IKDC, room 567, Sölvegatan 26 and online via zoom

Language: English

Download the presentation "Daylightful indoors" (PDF 11,8 MB)

Vad är hälsosamma ljudmiljöer och för vilka grupper?

CHIE Seminarium

Talare: Kerstin Persson Waye, från Arbets- och miljömedicin, Samhällsmedicin och folkhälsa vid Göteborgs universitet

Datum: 20 april, 2023

Plats: IKDC rum 567, Sölvegatan 26 i Lund, samt via Zoom 

Seminariet hålls på svenska.

Ladda ned presentationen "Hälsosamma ljudmiljöer" (PDF 4.62 MB)

2023-02-15 Ventilation and sleep quality

CHIE Seminarium

Presenter: Pawel Wargocki, Technical University of Denmark

Language: English.

See the recorded seminar: Ventilation and sleep quality – on YouTube

2022-08-25 Kan ökad ljusexponering för äldre förbättra deras sömn, hälsa och funktionsförmåga? – En interventionsstudie

Seminarie med Arne Lowden, docent vid Stockholms universitet, Stressforskningsinstitutet.

Se det inspelade seminariet: Ljusexponering för äldre – på YouTube

2021-12-08 Inauguration of MoRe-Lab – Open house and mingle

MoRe-Lab (Movement & Reality Lab) is an infrastructure for studies of movement, activity and behavior. This is an invitation to the new experimental health science environment.

More information and registration for Inauguration of MoRe-Lab on Lund University's website.

Event information in Swedish.

2020-09-16 Hitta balansen! Boende, innemiljö och energi

Resultat från PEIRE-projektets studier i 60-talsområdet Linero i Lund.

2018-05-17 Eurovent and CHIE Workshop

Time: 17th of May 2018, 13:00 – 15:00

Place: Stora Hörsalen, plan 2 (entréplan), IKDC, Sölvegatan 26, Lund

Workshop was held in English and free of charge.

More information here.

2018-04-26 Öppet PEIRE projekt seminarium

Vad händer när hyresgästerna får betala för varmvattnet?

Torsdag 26 april kl. 13:15-16:00 på Pufendorfinstitutet, Biskopsgatan 3, Lund

Helena Köhler, Linköpings universitet, Victor Fransson, doktorand vid LTH, Eja Pedersen, LTH, och Victoria Silfverberg, LKF

Ingen avgift, men obligatorisk anmälan till

Mer information här

2018-03-21 Healthy Indoor Environments Worskhop & SWESIAQ:s vår- och årsmöte

Tid: Onsdag 21 mars, 2018. Från kl. 09.15

Plats: Stora Hörsalen, plan 2 (entréplan), IKDC, Sölvegatan 26, Lund


Mer information och program för dagen hittar du här.

2017-12-05 New joint projects about indoor environments

Date: 5th of December 10:00 -13:00

Place: room 243, IKDC, Sölvegatan 26

Purpose of the meeting is to:

  • Explore possibilities of carrying out joint projects and applying for funding together
  • Get to know each other’s expertise, ongoing projects and research interest
  • Bridging the expertise and experience at Lund University and Malmö University to perform high quality research projects

More info and registration...

2017-10-16 Open Seminar: Building Metatheories

How can we study and understand complex interactions between technical systems and humans?

Time: 17/10/16, 13:15 – 16:00

Place: Pufendorf institutet, Biskopsgatan 3, Lund.

BUILDING META-THEORIES FOR COMPLEX SYSTEMS: Mark Edwards, associate professor at Jönköping University

BUILDING META-THEORIES FOR BUILDINGS: Kristian Stålne, associate professor at Malmö University


2017-09-14 Dermal uptake directly from air for phthalates and other common chemicals

Time: September 14th, 9:00-10:00

Place: Room 304, Ingvar Kamprad Design Centrum, Sölvegatan 26, Lund

Seminar by Charles Weschler, Prof from Rutgers University, USA - world’s leading expert in indoor air chemistry.

This is one of the two seminars given by Prof. Weschler at the Dept. of Design Sciences. The seminar was recorded and can be found here.

2017-09-13 Chemistry in indoor air and the role of human occupants

Time: September 13th, 10:00-11:00

Place: Room 304, Ingvar Kamprad Design Centrum, Sölvegatan 26, Lund

Seminar by Charles Weschler, Prof from Rutgers University, USA - world’s leading expert in indoor air chemistry.

This is one of the two seminars given by Prof. Weschler. at the Dept. of Design Sciences, LTH. The seminar was recorded and can be found here.

2017-09-08 How can we understand and take into account residents' behaviour in the energy efficiency of housing?

Time: September 8th, 2017 at 13:15 - 16:00

Place: Pufendorfinstitutet, Biskopsgatan 3, Lund.

Seminar within the PEIRE project with invited lecture by Kirsten Gram-Hanssen, Professor in Sustainable everyday life at the Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University, Copenhaguen. Eja Pedersen, Docent in Environmental Psychology, LTH and Jonas Borell, Assistant professor at Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology LTH.



2017-05-29 Assessing & Efficiently Limiting Airborne Exposure Risk in Buildings

Place: IKDC, room 567

Time: 11:00 - 12:00

This seminar by William P. Bahnfleth will include topics: particle resuspension, various aspects of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation applied in HVAC systems, and indoor air quality modeling. The presentation will survey research on aerosol air pollutants and their control conducted at Penn State.

2017-04-19 Tyst hemma med bra luft och låg energiförbrukning - Varför är det så svårt att få till?

Välkommen till ett seminarium om ljud i bostäder från fläktar och andra installationer. Hur låter de tekniska systemen och hur upplevs de av de boende? 

Dag Glebe och Krister Larsson, SP Sverige Tekniska Forskningsinstitut

Diskussion med Hyresgästföreningen och Miljöförvaltningen, Lunds kommun

Forskargruppen Healthy indoor environments med stöd av Ljudmiljöcentrum, Lunds universitet

2016-12-15 Nya idéer och ny teknik för bättre inomhusmiljö

Breakfast seminar by Aneta Wierzbicka, Associate Professor at Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology, Design Sciences LTH and Eja Pedersen, Professor of Environmental Psychology, tells us how technical, medical and behavioral perspectives can work together for an energy-efficient environment without sacrificing productivity and comfort.

2015-05-28 Healthy Indoor Environments Final seminar

Final seminar of Pufendorf Theme in cooperation with SWESIAQ

The program can be find here. 

2015-02-26 Tradition and innovation for indoor environments – problems, decisions and solutions

The aim of the workshop is to explore different developmental pathways to foster healthy indoor environments in a sustainable way. These pathways will represent different perspectives depending on specific geographic and cultural settings. They will contain a continuum from defining and understanding specific challenges to the implementation of solutions, but also reflect a view on human nature. Special focus will be placed on the challenges of adapting to current and future environmental change and how the building can play a role in creating a more sustainable society.

2015-01-29 Comfort, Preferences and behaviours

Seminar on indoor comfort and occupants behaviours

2014-12-18 Building workshop

Building Design and Performance – Challenges for construction

As we understand the importance of indoor environment for human health, we should also consider what buildings can provide.

Buildings are supposed to provide shelter, protection and comfort for the people who live, work and do activities in them. However, many buildings have been the sources of certain indoor environment health problems. How did these problems arise and how can we address them?

How can the building design and construction meet the demands from the building occupants and the requirement of energy saving without compromising with a healthy indoor environment? 

2014-11-27 Health workshop

Bio-Psycho-Social Aspects of Health

The modern human being spends a considerable amount of time indoors. This has led to an increased focus on quality aspects of our indoor environment in official buildings, at work, and in our homes. This workshop deals with the bio-psycho-social model of health and how it applies to the idea of healthy indoor environments.

While a great amount on knowledge have accumulated over the years, partly reflected in building regulations, there still exist knowledge gaps and questions pertaining to how to evaluate what a healthy building is. The definition of a healthy building is partly dependent on which actor (e.g. occupants, building contractor, architect, and health and safety inspectors) evaluates the situation. Different actors are likely to have different perspectives and motives and thus different criteria for what a healthy indoor environment is. This workshop places its emphasis on the “healthy” part of the theme “healthy indoor environments” by linking it with the bio-psycho-social model. 

Healthy Indoor Environments Workshop

This is the official release of our multidisciplinary theme at the Pufendorf Institute at Lund University. The day will be filled with presentations and discussions during which we hope for your contribution. We would like to find out your opinion about healthy indoor environments and the biggest challenges.

Address: Pufendorf Institute, Biskopsgatan 3/Sölvegatan 2, Lund

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